An evening visit has been organised for Wednesday 24th July to Dunany House and Church.
The tour will include the nineteenth century St John the Baptist’s Church on the Dunany demesne and the eighteenth century Dunany House. The medieval church and graveyard on the demense will also be visited.
Please assemble at 5 p.m. at St John’s Church of Ireland, Dunany, Togher, Co. Louth A92 KW63 (google maps or see below for directions).
Please note that numbers are restricted on this outing. Bookings (which must be accompanied by €10.00 per person) close on 17 July and may be made by contacting:
John McCullen, Beamore, Drogheda (041 9837273)
Seamus Bellew, 27 Stamanaran, Blackrock, Dundalk (042-9366117 or 086-2377256)
Event Details
Event Location:Dunany, Co. Louth
Event Time:5:00 pm